Waterproofing a Concrete

Concrete is porous which absorbs water, waterborne contaminants and chemicals that can cause deterioration if not waterproof.

Waterproofing of concrete is done by either suitable extraneous treatments like applying paints, fixing bitumen felts etc. or internally by suitable design of the concrete mix, addition of suitable admixtures in the concrete or mortar at the time of mixing and/or installing water bars at the joints.

Requirement of /waterproofing Admixture for Concrete

Water is the main important part of concrete through the making to placing procedure. After it gains its strength moisture or water penetration will harm the concrete if it remains in concrete. This can cause due to corrosion of reinforcement or due to freeze thaw.

To come out of this problem porosity should be reduced. Concrete is porous material and water can go through the pores material and micro-cracks due to capillary actions. Thus there is a need of admixture which can control the porosity of concrete.

Waterproofing of Concrete by bituminous or Tar Coating

Bitumen (asphalt or coal-tar) is a mixed material made up of organic liquid that are highly sticky, viscous, and waterproof. It is applied prior to the concrete surface or masonry surface before applying the first mopping coat. This will help to create bond of the bitumen with the concrete roof deck or masonry surface.

Bitumen Felt : Application for Tanking

Bituminous felt is used for laying the waterproof course on the outside and inside of the walls and bases of structures. The bitumen felt should be hessian base and/or fibre base as specified in Drawing/Schedule of items. This type of waterproofing are generally done by specialised firms.

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